PAWS/LA is dedicated to ensuring that disabled animal guardians are aware of their rights to housing accommodations with their Support Animals. The role of Support Animals in today’s society has significantly evolved and diversified. Today, in addition to Seeing Eye Dogs, the law recognizes animals that provide a broad array of assistance to people with disabilities, including animals that provide seizure alert, hearing assistance, visual aid, and psychiatric or emotional support. Both state and federal Fair Housing Laws require landlords to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities who have a medically necessary Support Animal. This means that even if there is a “No Pets” policy in place, tenants with disabilities can still have their support animals with them. Because of their importance to improving the lives of individuals living with disabilities, Support Animals and their guardians now enjoy legal status which exempts them from ordinary pet-related accommodation regulations. |
150 W. 24th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007 Tel: 213.741.1950 Fax: 213.741.1640 [email protected] www.pawsla.org |
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